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The Daily Scheduler (DS)

Now you can take charge of your life with the incredible personal manager by Timelenders.

This sleek innovation is more than your usual organizer. Equipped with the most professional and personal management features, the DS makes managing your promises and commitments a cool summer breeze.

Easy to use tools like the Yearly Calender, Daily Scheduler, To-Dos, Roles and Goals Planner and Address Book guarantees a firm grip on your promises and schedules


In Leather: Rs. 9,500/- per unit (Large)
In Rexine: Rs.3,000/- per unit

NOTE: Shipping and handling charges Rs. 500/-


Gate Keeper of tasks (GK Book)


G.K Book Rexine (Pak.) Rs.200/- per unit 


Videos of Strategic Time Management, Strategic Visions & Sleep Management

Sleep Management - Recording: Rs.7,500/- per unit
Strategic Time Management - Recording: Rs.15,000/- per unit
Strategic Visions - Recording: Rs.15,000/- per unit

Free Resources


“By attending our trainings, you become a Timelenders’ family member. This section has multitude of resources, which supplement the trainings and guide you towards leading a meaningful life.”
